Sunday, May 27, 2012

Indonesia hates the famous U.S. pop singer Lady Gaga

The great stonewalling shows the great opposition against Lady Gaga. Boys heart stealer, Lady Gaga's concert is supposed to be held in June 3rd near to the US embassy in Zakarta, Indonesia. but the huge amount of Indonesian people are against the concert.
 Police officers Say : "Lady Gaga's sexiest dress up and her boldness style, and bold songs can demolish all the Islamic values and destroy the system of Indonesian youth." thats the fact reason why the people are stonewalling against the Lady Gaga's Concert in Indonesia.
Thus Lady Gaga may cancel all the program that going to be held on june3 in Jakarta.

"It's unfortunate," one said. "But with threats if the concert goes ahead, Lady Gaga's side is calling it off. This is not only about Lady Gaga's security, but extends to those who will be watching her."
Indonesia, a secular nation of 240 million, is often held up by the U.S. and others an example of how democracy and Islam and can coexist. In many ways they are right. Since emerging from dictatorship just over a decade ago, sweeping reforms have resulted in direct elections, while vastly improving human rights and freeing up the media.

But a small extremist fringe has become more vocal and violent in recent years, attacking Christians and members of other religious minorities, transvestites, atheists and anyone else deemed "immoral."

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